Ride With Us

Help Support Uphill Into The Wind

 Uphill into the Wind's mission is to put more Bodies On Bikes in support of charity cycling and triathlon events!  In order to accomplish this we host a variety of events to help "US" raise funds to purchase bikes and parts to keep our fleet rolling and free to the participant who borrows a bike.

Come Join us

“Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life, it’s about what you inspire others to do.”  -Unknown

It starts with you… with one intention to make a difference in your life and the lives of others.

So why not come ride with "Uphill Into The Wind" this Fall in the 2024 Tour de Tucson event, so we can continue to help people raise money for charities by borrowing a bike and riding in charity cycling events.

Registration for the 2024 Tour de Tucson is NOW available!